We were born to be a hero

Did you ever dream about being a hero?

I was kind of having a bad day when I found out my eyeliner ran out. I failed to put the cap on properly the last time I used it and it just spilled all over my bag. I thought the whole day was going to be a huge bummer so I decided to prepare for the gym. While preparing, I realized my gym clothes that I hung outside to get dried off were still wet and that's the second bummer of the day. THANKS RAIN!

There was nothing I could do but unpack my things and just return to my regular routine. Did a little work, played games on my phone, read a few articles and watch movies. I realized, I have this strong urge to write but I didn't know what. I've been having a mental diarrhea lately and it's not really helping me. There are so many ideas that keep rushing in and out of my head that I do not know which one to grasp. I don't know how to start it so I went on facebook to visit my favorite pages like thought catalogue, hufftingtonpost, and elite daily to see if I can find anything to spark my interest.

As I was scrolling down, I suddenly felt this compulsion to send a random message to an acquaintance whom I've seen only once. I asked her how she was, her messages were short and friendly but I knew something was up.. After a few silly exchanges, she suddenly poured her heart out to me and I consoled her with my words of wisdom. I knew what she was going through because I've been there. It wasn't that hard to relate to her since nobody was there for me at that time and she felt the same. During the rough and dark moments I had in my life, I promised myself that if I ever get through this I will never let anybody feel the same thing or go through the same shit as I did. Other people never appreciated that, but there were a handful who appreciated the things that I did for them and for me that was more than enough.

As our conversation reached its end, she thanked me endlessly. To me, what I did was nothing but to her, it was everything. She told me how she wanted to cut herself that day until all the pain would go away but according to her, I saved her. I guess my point here is this, all of us have the ability to change someone's life, to save it in our own simple ways. May it be a smile, little time to give a shit and listen, a pat on the back or just your mere presence can mean a lot to someone who is in need. Sure, we won't get a holiday nor a street dedicated or named after us, our faces won't be included on the thousand peso bill or even have a monument built showcasing our incredible stature and physique but is it really about that?

We may not realize this but we were born to be heroes in our own ways. We don't have wings but we can be someone's angel. We are not God but we can be saviors, too. Let us not belittle or forget what we can do to ourselves and for other people, we may think we are just plain and ordinary but the compassion and love we have in our hearts make us superheroes.

If anybody who knew me and how I was before would be able to read this, they'd probably say I'm full of shit. It doesn't matter now, does it? Because today, I saved a life... now ask yourself, have you?


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